Scholarship Recipient Spotlight: Megan Carter, Central Bucks East H.S., Class of 2020

(In honor of our Kind Like Joey Scholarhsip recipients, we are pleased to publish their perspectives on winning the honor, spreading kindness, and how they emulate the mission of the Kind Like Joey Foundation. Megan Carter was a Kind Like Joey 2020 Scholarship recipient from Central Bucks East High School, Doyletown, PA.)

By Megan Carter

I was both humbled and honored to be one of the 2020 recipients of the Joey Edwards Memorial Scholarship from Central Bucks High School East.

This scholarship in honor of Joey Edwards, and the kindness that he spread to all, is extremely important to me as I want to continue the mission of the Kind Like Joey Foundation.

Being kind means treating everyone fairly and with the utmost respect no matter who they are. This is a value that I strive to achieve every single day as I love seeing a smile on someone’s face in response to a kind deed.

As I started my first semester of college, the challenges of not knowing anyone, in addition to following COVID-19 guidelines by socially distancing, made it difficult to interact and meet people. However, following the mission of the Kind Like Joey Foundation, I realized the best way to meet people was to just be kind. This could be saying hi, holding the door, or going to sit with someone else who is also alone.

During this challenging time for all, these small acts of kindness made things bearable. Joey’s vision for kindness and compassion has inspired me to continue his legacy by spreading kindness to the new people I continue to meet at college from all around the country.

Melissa Kapur